Professional Ethics is a set of moral principles and values that guide the behavior of professionals in their work. It is often used to ensure that professionals are accountable and do not cause any harm to their clients, customers or the public at large. Professional ethics also ensures that a professional meets his/her obligations to society, employers and colleagues. (For instance, a nurse should be aware of her responsibilities when providing medical care.)
In some cases, professional ethics may require professionals to go above and beyond in order to provide the highest quality of service possible. For example, a lawyer might need to provide more hours than usual for his client's case due to its complexity. In other cases, professional ethics may be violated if an individual fails to follow accepted standards or protocols of practice. This can lead to malpractice liability lawsuits being brought against them.
However, it is important for professionals to remember that adherence to ethical standards does not always guarantee success or protection from legal action; rather it is just one tool which helps create an environment where people can trust one another while working together towards shared goals! Additionally, each state has specific laws pertaining to professional conduct which must be followed in order for practitioners remain compliant with local regulations; this includes Kansas too! So even though you may have a good understanding of general ethical principles, it’s important you stay up-to-date on any adjustments particular states make periodically.
Still yet, it will never hurt you as a professional if you choose higher ethical standards than what is required – after all there’s no such thing as being “too ethically responsible”! Think about how much easier your day-to-day activities would run if everyone involved held themselves accountable for maintaining high levels of professionalism regardless of the situation they were in? In conclusion, following basic principles of professional ethics can help safeguard both yourself and those around you from potential legal issues down the line!
Client Rights and Responsibilities Kansas